St. Mark's Sr. Sec. Public School
There are no formal examinations for Primary students. Promotion to the next class is on the basis of general performance in the class which includes classwork, projects, oral activities, class tests etc. Unit Tests are conducted in classes III to IV.
Class V will have assessments as Mid-Term and Annual Examinations as per DOE guidelines. |
- There are 3 periodic tests and an annual examination for classes VI – IX.
- Students will be graded on a 5 point scale (A-E) in Work Education, Art Education and Health & Physical Education.
- In class X, students have to appear for 3 periodic tests and pre board exams in addition to the CBSE Board exams.
- There are 2 Periodic tests, a Mid-Term and an Annual examination for class XI. Promotion to the next class is based on composite performance in these examinations.
- In class XII students appear for Periodic Tests, Mid Term and Pre-Board Exams,in addition to the C.BS.E Board Exams.
- There is no facility for Retest in Unit Tests of Primary classes and Periodic tests of VI to X.
- Children should not be sent to school to appear for an examination / or test if they are sick.
- Retest on medical grounds will be allowed only for Mid-term exam/II Periodic/Half Yearly exam. There is no retest facility for periodic tests.
- Students of X and XII must appear for all the examinations including the Pre-Board examination. Absenteeism will be viewed seriously and strict action will be taken. It is compulsory for classes X and XII students to come to school regularly in order to complete 75% attendance.
- A minimum of 33% in each subject with a minimum of 33% in aggregate is required to be promoted to next class.
- A student must have at least 75% attendance to be eligible to appear in examinations / granted promotion to the next class.
- Failing in any of the core subjects is sufficient reason for not being granted promotion.
- All students are expected to maintain the highest standard of honesty in academic and in all other aspects of school life. Use of unfair means in tests or homework etc., is considered a serious offence.
- If a student is found using unfair means, the following course of action will be initiated:
(a) Parents will be informed.
(b) Paper will be cancelled.