St. Mark's Sr. Sec. Public School
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School gates will close at 7:55 am. Any child reporting after that may not be allowed to attend school that day. Parents will be called to take the student back home. |
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Lunch boxes, bags, ties, belts etc. should have the child’s name clearly marked. (The school is not responsible for lost property). Lunch boxes, water bottles or eatables are not accepted at the school reception. |
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Absence from school must be supported by an application for leave signed by the parent / guardian. If the absence is due to illness and exceeds more than three days a doctor’s certificate should accompany the leave application. |
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Half day leaves are strictly prohibited. |
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The names of the students who are absent from the school for a week without information will be struck off the school rolls and may be re-admitted only at the discretion of the Principal. |
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Any infectious disease at home requires parents to keep their ward/wards at home till the danger of infection has passed. |
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No parent may meet his/her child during school hours, without prior permission of the Principal / Vice Principal. No child may leave the school during school hours. |
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Students who accompany their parents on Parent Teacher Meetings should be in full school uniform. |
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If a student is suspended, he/she will not attend the school till expiry of the period of suspension. |
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No student is allowed to leave the school campus during school hours without permission from the Principal. |
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The management reserves the right to dismiss pupils whose conduct is in any way detrimental to the orderly life of the school. |
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Students are not allowed to disfigure or damage any school property. |
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Violence in any form and use of foul/abusive language is not allowed. |
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Students should not practice casteism, communalism or gender bias. |
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Students should not bring any objectionable article (such as mobile phones,ipods,CDs, pen drives, hookahs, intoxicants, etc.) to the school. |
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Students should not bring or burst crackers and play with holicolours in the school premises. |
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Students breaking any of these rules may be fined or issued a warning letter/suspension. |