St. Mark's Sr. Sec. Public School
Book Week 2023-24, a week long annual literary event of the school calendar was organized for the students. It included an array of literary activities specially curated for students which gave them an opportunity to learn and enjoy in the company of books and authors.
Students of Class 7 participated and decoded the clues given on books and authors in the event ‘Treasure Hunt’.
Students of Class 6 participated in the Read Aloud Competition on January 18, 2024.
The students of Class II participated in ‘Draw Your Favourite Cartoon Character’ for the during Book Week 2023-24.
During Book Week 2023-24, the students of Class Nursery were a part of the Story Telling Session conducted by Ms. Sunpreet Kaur.
Students of Class VIII participated in the Relay Poetry Competition.
The students of Class VII participated in the Vocabulary Quiz during Book Week 2023-24.
The students of Class V played Grammar Games during Book Week 2024. |
Our school celebrated a week full of exciting activities all revolving around books and authors. The young learners indulged in various literary / book-based activities curated to promote literacy skills. During a week long event, students got an opportunity to engage in interesting Quizzes, Recitation Competitions, Read Aloud Sessions, Story-Telling Sessions, Grammar and Vocabulary Games, Meetingan author and Book Review activity.
Students could also enjoy a Book Fair organized by Scholastic India Ltd. |
It is said that a book is like a garden carried in the pocket. But getting kids to crack open books is often no walk in the park! During this year's observance of Book Week for our students from 17th to 20th Dec.’ 2019, we shared the wonder and magic of books in our classroom with help of a few great literary events. This is done every year to enhance the literary skills and inculcate good reading habits in students.
Class I had a story telling session with the well known author Mr. Sanjay Muttoo. Class II had a story telling session with the well known author Ms. Simi Srivastava. Classes II to V had competitions such as Recitation Competition, Quiz on Fairy Tales and Story Books, and Draw and Colour a Fairy Tale Character. Create a book cover and Grammar Games for class IV and a Quiz on Story Books and Treasure Hunt for Class V were held.
A Quiz on Books and Authors and Read Aloud Competition were held for Class VI. Class VII participated in ‘Know your Proverbs’ activity and selected students also took a Quiz on Books and Authors. Class VIII participated in the Vocabulary Games.
Students of Class IX were handed books of famous authors for ‘Book Review’. The students also had the event ‘Understanding Idioms and Phrases‘. Class XI had the events Quiz on Shakespeare and Jointly Create a Poem. The Odyssey Club members met the famous author Ms. Vaijayanti Tonpe and got many tips to write well.
The week long extravaganza, full of fun and learning ended with the prize distribution ceremony on 24 December, 2019. The Principal, Ms. Anjali Aggarwal encouraged the students to be avid readers throughout their lives. |
Every year we organize a “Book Week” to enhance the literary skills of our students and inculcate in them good reading habits.
Keeping the tradition, Book Week for the session 2018-19 commenced on 12 December, 2018 in St. Mark’s Sr. Sec. Public School, Meera Bagh. The event was inaugurated by Principal, Ms. A. Aggarwal and Vice Principal, Ms. R. Anand.
Following this was a chain of week-long competitions and events. For the tiny tots of Class I, a story telling session was held with the well-known author Ms. Sonia Bareja. The students of class II had a wonderful time listening to the experiences of Ms. Simi Srivastava.
For students of Classes I to V, there were various contests such as Quiz on Fairy tales and Nursery Rhymes, Word Power, Grammar games, Quiz on Story books and Cartoon Characters, Create a Book Cover, Draw and Paint your favourite fairy tale character and Let’s Play Taboo.
Students of Classes VI to VIII participated in contests such as Read Aloud Competition, Quiz on Books and Authors, Treasure Hunt, Know Your Proverb in which the students displayed their linguistic and creative skills.
Students of Classes IX and XI, took part in Understanding Idioms & Phrases, a Quiz on Shakespeare and Preparing a Newspaper.
Amidst all the competitions, selected students from Class VIII also got an opportunity to learn the nuances of cartooning with the famous Cartoonist Mr. Ajit Narayan. The members of the junior and senior Readers’ Club, 'Odyssey,' had interactive sessions with the renowned writer Ms. Devika Rangachari. It was a week full of fun and learning, which culminated with the prize distribution ceremony on 14 December, 2018. |