The Eco club (seniors) is popularly called "The Green Mark's Society".
The Green ambassadors pledge to work in an environment friendly manner which includes usage of paper bags, steel lunch boxes, water management, saving electricity and other activities.
The anti cracker campaign in various localities has been a part of their agenda. |
Bhoomi ka Campaign was started in our school in collaboration with Living farms. This project involved orientation of students towards safe and organic food followed by development of kitchen garden in the school. These small steps towards greener future have started yielding fruits. “Since the fruit of your own hardwork is the sweetest”, so students enjoy watching the plants grow whose seeds were sown by them. It would definitely help in increasing consciousness about conservation of environment as well as health hazards associated with agrochemicals in students. |
Members of The Earth Saviours Eco Club of St. Mark’s Sr. Sec. Public School, Meera Bagh, went to visit organic farms in the village of Lohrara Bulandshahar, U.P. on 9 October 2019. It was a learning and a pleasurable experience for all the 28 children of the group. Together they understood the details of making organic fertilizers, pesticides and herbal nutritive compost for growing crops. The farmer showed them the site for vermiwash, making vermi composting and his expansive house in which a small biogas plant was also installed. The visit ended with a hearty lunch hosted by the farmer which was all organic and home produce of the farmer. It was thoroughly enjoyed by the students. |
Increasing consciousness about conservation of environment as well as health hazards associated with agro chemicals has brought a major shift in consumer preference towards food quality. This can be achieved by organic farming - "Good for nature and good for you".
Keeping this in mind and to sensitize our school children, Bhoomika Campaign was started in St. Mark’s Sr. Sec. Public School, Meera Bagh in collaboration with Living farms. After successful orientation program towards promoting safe food among students, a kitchen garden development activity was held on 22 August, 2019 involving students of Class VI.
It was a knowledgeable and fun filled activity for students. They were briefed about the importance of organic farming and negative impacts of chemicals used in agriculture. Seeds of coriander, bottle gourd, lady finger, pumpkin were sown along with saplings of green chillies, brinjal were also planted. |
It was definitely a trip down the memory lane for many of The Earth Saviours Eco Club members as students of St. Mark’s Sr. Sec. Public School, Meera Bagh went to the various parks of GG-1, Vikaspuri, Delhi for Tree Plantation on 6 August, 2019. The park which was developed by St. Mark's School in 2015, was revisited by the young eco club members and the saplings were planted. Many of the locals also very enthusiastically participated in the activity.
The Rain Gods obliged and the heavens were opened upafter the plantation was done. |
To create awareness and train school children towards safe food, Earth Saviours Eco Club Members of Classes VI to IX of St. Mark’s Sr. Sec. Public School, Meera Bagh attended an Orientation Program on 10 May, 2019 under the campaign “BhoomiKa” organised by an NGO, Living farms in partnership with Welt hunger life, Development Research Communication and Services Centre for World Solidarity. The students were shown short film followed by an interactive session wherein impact of use of fertilisers and pesticides in modern agriculture was discussed. Students were also sensitized towards the negative impact of Junk food. Post orientation our students would work towards developing a small organic kitchen garden in the school. |
Members of The Earth Saviours Eco Club had a meet on 29 October, 2018 in which the children wrote about the various methods of celebrating An Eco Friendly Diwali and had a conversation about the trees found in Delhi.
A PPT was also shown on the topic and later a healthy discussion followed. |
On 29 October 2018, members of The Earth Saviours Eco Club, went for Anti cracker Rally in the neighborhood areas of GH-6, GH-8 & 9 And around the school.Children shouted slogans against bursting of crackers and staged a magnificent Nukkad Natak at several places in between. People appreciated their efforts. This Diwali let's burst our ego not crackers. Safe Diwali, Happy Diwali. |
Keeping this in mind and in compliance with Delhi Government mega tree plantation drive students of St. Mark’s Sr. Sec. Public School, Meera Bagh went for a tree plantation in GH 6, Meera Bagh on 8 September, 2018. This was in continuation with 650 plants already planted in the school vicinity in the month of July as a part of vanmahotsava. Together with RWA members the students planted a blend of ornamental and medicinal plants in GH-6 park. There was a small discussion on the importance of trees in context of global warming and pollution. |
Children of Earth Saviours Eco Club of St. Mark’s Sr. Sec. Public School, Meera Bagh went for a Tree Plantation Programme in a district park located at a confluence of Nihal Vihar and Chander Vihar on 11 July, 2018. They planted the Saplings of kanak champa, Neem, Jamun, Banyan etc. in the premises of the park. Students of Classes V, VI and VII, also participated in the process. They were told the names of the local trees and birds were spotted in the park.
As a part of green initiative a Quiz on Environment was conducted in Classes I to VIII and the winners of the quiz were gifted a sapling each. Students were extremely happy to get a unique prize from their school and they promised to plant it at home and be a responsible guardian. As a part of this 500 saplings were distributed to the students and 100 saplings were planted by Earth Saviours Eco Club members in a DDA park near school. |
As a part of Earth Day 2018 Celebrations based on theme - "End plastic pollution" an anti plastic rally was taken out by Earth Saviours Club members of St. Mark’s Sr. Sec. Public School, Meera Bagh in the vicinity of the school GH 6 market and residential area on 5 May, 2018.
Eco club members shouted slogans "With plastic life is not fantastic" and interacted with the shopkeepers regarding perils of using plastic. They also gifted paper bags made by our school children. Finally there was a group discussion in the school where club members shared the experiences about plastic pollution. |
Members of Companimals Club of Classes VI to VIII of St. Mark’s Sr. Sec. Public School, Meera Bagh alongwith their teacher incharges visited the Yamuna Bio-diversity Park on 12 January, 2018. This park is spread over 457 acres in the upstreams of River Yamuna. It is a nature reserve, a home for 2000 plants and animals species living in some 30 biotic communities. Students also saw a variety of medicinal plants, fruit plants, butterflies, Indian Krait (bird) and even migratory birds in the created wet - land area. |