The Eco Club of SMGS took the students of Class XI to Aravalli Bio Diversity Park at Vasant Vihar on 22 July 2017. It was an amazing place full of greenery, bringing the students close to the alluring beauty and bounties of nature. The resource person enlightened the students about different kinds of floras with their medicinal properties and the dependency of certain animals on these plants. They were given reasons for the vultures and other birds getting endangered. They visited butterfly and orchid conservatory and learnt incredible amazing facts about butterflies and their host plants.They were also shown a documentary on it. It was an unforgettable visit which encouraged the students to take care of the environment and keep it well maintained for a healthy life. |
We have only one planet which has given us a lot but it's now our turn to love it and take care of it !!!
Believing in these inspiring words the ECO CLUB of St.Mark's Girls Sr. Sec. School organized a plethora of activities for it's students. Students of various classes enjoyed these activities which were not only fun to do but were educative too which brought them closer to Earth and made them identify the purpose of saving our Mother Earth. After the junior classes the senior wing started off with their Earth Day Celebrations which kicked off on 22 April 2017. Activities were planned for Classes VI, VII, X, XI and XII.
Classes VI and VII participated in 'Saving Our Rivers' activity in which they watched videos about the devastations suffered by our rivers and also solutions to this gigantic problem were shown to them. It was followed by a questionnaire and a poster making session. The Earth Day on 22 April got wrapped up by the final activity of the day in which students of Classes X, XI and XII participated in a workshop held by the faculty of KIRORI MAL COLLEGE? through the allegiance of ENTAC in which the socially aware students of KIRORI MAL College talked about edible utensils for a sustainable world. They explained to our students that how this social and environmental? aspect of their endeavour can have a global impact. The students had an interactive session with their future counterparts and shared their views on the innovative idea brought forward and also showed enthusiasm to be a part of the endeavour making a difference and also feeling good about it.
These activities Incorporated countless valuable experiences gained our students who imbibed the significance of protecting our beautiful planet and spreading the message to Save Our Planet. |
The Eco-Club of St. Mark's Girls Sr. Sec. School organised 'Health Day' in the School on 3 February 2017 in an endeavour to spread awareness amongst students and instill in them the gravity of the quote, 'Health is Wealth'. The guest of honour for the event was Ms. Kavita Singh an ace member of the Navdanya Group who sensitized the students of Classes VII and VIII to become proactive in their zeal to lead a healthy lifestyle which can only be possible by EATING RIGHT. The students learnt through a proactive video that how the organic food if included in the diet can make a big difference. To strengthen the cause a cultural programme was also included in the session to get students all the more interested in the noble cause. Several acts like Street Plays, Skit and a Dance Performance by the students of Classes VI to X were presented during the event. In addition to the list above the students also witnessed a video on Healthy Habits which emphasised on overall development of the students. With an elaborate lay-out of myriad events the objective of the Eco- Club was successfully achieved to make ourselves healthy and our environment healthier. |
KESHOLOY - The Eco Club of St. Marks Girls Sr. Sec. School organized a painting competition in an endeavour to spread awareness regarding Oil and Natural Gas Conservation. The students of Classes III to V enthusiastically participated in the noble cause and with a myriad of colours tried to bring across the message of conservation of natural resources which happens to be the need of the hour. To keep up with the same spirit and spread the the universal message of Oil and Natural Gas Conservation the senior wing of St . Mark's Girls Sr. Sec. School organised a WALKATHON PROMOTING Bicycling and Walking.
In an attempt to spread awareness about saving fuel, the students of classes VI and IX were seen on streets bicycling, carrying placards comprising handwritten slogans. The cycle rally taken out on 3 February 2017 was to reiterate the message that if our destination is close, we can take a bicycle instead. Cycling will not only save our planet but also it is good for our health.The initiative taken to conserve fuel proved to be inspiring and significant as it captivated the attention of the assembled citizens on the streets. |
The Central Vigilance Commission, an apex integrity institution of the country, in its endeavour to promote transparency, probity and integrity in public life observed Vigilance Awareness Week from 31 October to 5 November 2016 on the theme ‘Public Participation in Promoting Integrity and Eradicating Corruption’. St. Mark’s Girls Sr. Sec. School wholeheartedly became a part of this drive on 2 November 2016. Students of classes VI to VIII ardently made posters on the topic ‘Public Participation in Eradicating Corruption’ while students from classes IX to X enthusiastically participated in elocution on the topic ‘Promoting Integrity Ensures the Prosperity of Nation’. These activities created awareness about the role of preventive vigilance in reducing corruption and enhancing accountability at various levels among the young scholars. These activities also inculcated a sense of responsibility among the students towards the society. The young savants also pledged to make India a corruption free country. |
"Like the light of the lamp brings brightness in the dark, Deepawali brings good health, happiness, good luck and prosperity in our lives".
Keeping alive the spirit of this brightness and light SMGS truly celebrated the occasion with great zeal and in its pure essence.
Our students engaged themselves in creating colourful and artistic diyas to enlighten the thoughts and lives of people around us. Our scholars visited the vicinity of the school to build a healthy interaction with varied generations and encourage them towards the cheerful spirit of celebrating Deepawali. A token of such humble act and love was also presented to the working staff of the school by our students. Overall the day was truly celebrated with fondness and faith in hearts to shed away the darkness and bring about the light of hope and love across every soul. |
Edgar Degas truly said, "Art is not what you see but what you make others see".
The Ministry of Power, Government of India organised a grand Painting Competition on Energy Conservation - 2016.
St. Mark's Girls Sr. Sec School who leheartedly became a part of this artistic voyage in to the minds of creative students. The competition was held under varied categories namely Category A included students from 4th, 5th and 6th grades and Category B included students from 7th,8th and 9th grades respectively.
Our enthusiastic and aesthetic students came up with their colourful canvas that remarkably enlightened their exquisite hands on art. Childern not only learned about how to inculcate a conservative mind but also created an enormous awareness on the urgent need of conserving energy and taking care of our mother earth amongst our indifferent crowd. Overall it was an enchanting session of creativity and renaissance altogether. |
In the words of Jim Fowler, "The continued existence of wildlife and wilderness is important to the quality of life of humans." Wildlife plays an important role in balancing the environment and provides stability to different natural processes of nature.
Kesholoy - the Eco Club of our school organised a Wildlife Week from 1st to 7th October, 2016 for classes Seedling-X. Numerous activities were planned for the students that proved to be very interesting and informative. Activities like collage making, bookmark making and group enactment helped to instill in the students a sense of concern for the animals. A vision (making of a national park) was an interesting activity planned for Class X students. It was an endeavour to make the students understand the core importance of preserving wildlife. Such activities do a great deal in sensitizing the students tiwards the conservation of our precious environment. The students participated enthusiastically and displayed great zeal and exuberance throughout the week. |
Climate change, the disappearance of biodiversity at thousand times the normal rate, the exhaustion and pollution of water are symptoms of the ecological crisis threatening our planet’s health. The industrial food and agriculture system is the main contributor to every dimension of the ecological crisis, the ‘ill health’ of Mother Earth and all her denizens. The need of the hour is therefore to take collective responsibility to heal our Earth and hence ourselves.
With this objective, Navdanya organized its annual festival BHOOMI 2016. The theme of BHOOMI 2016, which was held on the 1st of October, was Healing Our Planet, Healing Our Body.
Navdanya in collaboration with the India International Centre organized a grand eventalong with the support of Instituit Français and SOL. Mr. Anil Madhav; Minister of State for Forest, Environment and Climate Change, was the special guest for the occasion and lighted the ceremonial lamp along with the founder of Navdanya, Ms. Vandana Shiva. The event commenced with a magnificent dance by the Universal School. They also chanted Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram to celebrate Gandhiji’s birthday on 2nd October. It was a day long festival, featuring panels, theatre, films, songs and dinner. The event was held at the India International Centre, Lodi Road. The members of the Eco Club of St. Mark's Girls Sr. Sec. School attended this event. Many experts from India and France enlightened the participants on the matter. It was a very enriching experience for students as well as teachers. |
''Cleanliness and order are not matters of instinct;they are matters of education, a nd like most great things, you must cultivate a taste for them".
SMGS in cooperation with it's Eco club 'Kesholoy' organised a promising event to enlighten the essence of Cleanliness among the students of new generation. The event amalgamated a great sense of enthusiasm and energy shown by the students as well as involved hands on tasks by the students themselves. They indulged themselves in to creating awareness videos as well as practicability of neatness in their respective classes. It was a healthy interaction between the students and the teachers who absolutely turned out to be the inspiring role models in order to assist students to become good citizens of the society. The event also highlighted morality based stories engulfing the virtues and vices to be embarked by our students.
Cleanliness drive along with the solemn pledge to live in hopes to brighten the future with eco friendly ways and an affirmative attitude towards the society. |
"In the world of commercial speech,tobacco advertising bears the earmarks of an endangered species."
Keeping this notion in mind, the Eco Club of our school "Kesholoy" organised a series of activities to create awareness and sensitize their environment highlighting the harmful effects of tobacco. Activities included poster making, essay and report writing for various classes. Students participated with great ardor and delivered arousing messages against this menace which has to be eradicated from our mother earth. |
Diwali is a festival of lights celebrated to dispel darkness and bask in the warmth of the live of our near and dear ones.But with the anomalies happening in every phase of life our Diwali has also transformed into a festival of smoke, ear piercing sound which leads to Pandora's box of diseases, pollution and chaos. To fight these problems and spreading awareness about the same, the students of class V of St. Mark's Girls Sr. Sec. School participated in the Anti-cacker rally in which they went through out the school premises, visiting class-rooms and spreading the message of a Green Diwali. The students carried banners with slogans like "Burst your Ego, not Crackers"; Asthma attack last year, Spare me this year "and many others which not only were good to hear but also made a statement towards a healthier and a greener Diwali Celebration. |
You all must have seen a number of dry leaves covering the green plush grass by the end of winters. And what can keep your neighbours happier than you sweeping all these leaves ?
You may wonder what you can do with them. Well! People you may be surprised to know the manure created by leaf composting is the best for making the plants healthy and your gardens more beautiful.
The active and concerned students and teachers of Kesholoy, the Eco-Club of St. Mark's Girls Sr. Sec. School, took the initiative to start composting of dried leaves and use that manure for further enhancing the beauty of the rich flora of the school. You can start this at your place too. RECYCLE and keep the environment SAFE and HAPPY. |
“We are committed to doing everything we can to create and maintain a sustainable environment.” With this sense of belonging and exhibiting it’s concern towards the mother earth St. Mark’s Girls Sr. Sec. School organized a “Plastic Bottle Collection Drive” in the school premises. Plastic bottles of all the sizes were collected from the students of all the classes from seedling to XII. They were crushed and sealed in guny bags by the school Eco Club volunteers. Bottles were then sent to the recycling unit for recycling. It was one of the initiative steps for making our Delhi clean and green. |
Junk food is the most unhealthy form of food leading to severe health problems. The young generation today is very fond of these unhealthy foods like burgers, pizzas, pastas etc. without realizing how harmful they would be to them in the future. Junk food is the major reason for obesity in children and young. It can lead to increased cholesterol and sugar levels which lead to heart related problems.
The Eco Club of St. Mark's Girls School, Meera Bagh organised an activity 'Say No To Junk Food' on 24 November 2014. The objective of the activity was to bring awareness about the harmful effects of junk food. The classes involved in the activity were seedling to class V.Chilren of these classes were asked to healthy food items in their lunch boxes.The eco club incharges visited classes III-V and had interactive session with the children regarding junk food, its health hazards and the benefits of healthy food over junk food.. In seedling and sapling, the class teachers carried out this activity. The day was celebrated as Say No To Junk Food Day. |
On 2 October, the students of our school joined in Prime Minister, Mr. Modi’s ‘SWACHCH BHARAT’ campaign wherein they enthusiastically participated in the movement by picking up litter, sweeping up dirt on the streets in the vicinity and interacting with the people around. The rally was taken out to make a social campaign of a filth-free India successful and undo India’s reputation of poor public hygiene.
The Vice Principal Ms. Sabina Shergill addressed the students making them realise that today’s youth can bring a real difference in keeping the city clean. She said that ‘our clean environment is our passport for future.’ |
It’s important to us that used cartons are disposed of responsibly. Our school also realizes it’s importance and thus has decided to initiate in collecting all used tetra packs for recycling them. Through this initiative the students of our school have learnt the importance to dispose off used cartons. Used cartons can also be incinerated and the energy recovered to generate heat and electricity. Instead of sending it to landfills our school has Recycled Tetra Pack cartons to make eco-friendly recycled products. Our school has collected many tetra packs till date Tetra Pack cartons are also used to make school desks, chairs and benches. These are donated to schools, contributing to community development.
Some benefits of recycling Tetra Pack cartons include :
- Reduces waste going to our overburdened landfills and our unwanted street garbage.
- Decreases the likelihood that improper disposal of Tetra Pack cartons will add to air and water pollution.
- The best part is that Tetra Pack cartons can be used to make functional recycled products such as tissue rolls, paper towels, and stationery products.
Our school initiative for this recycling of tetra packs is as follows :
- A viable and environmentally friendly technology.
- A place to build a recycling plant.
- Improved environmental impact of final recycled product.
- A guaranteed tonnage of carton material to make a recycling business viable.
Conclusion : Tetra Pack cartons are a resource for recycled products that are often unfortunately thrown away. Ask and look for Go Green with Tetra Pack collection bins at your local Reliance store and start recycling cartons yourself!
SMGS conducted a month long programme 'Green Peace' as part of British Council's ISA activity. This programme included different activities related to conservation of mother earth. On April 15, 2014 the programme started with a dance performance in which students of class V showcased how five elements of nature i.e. water, fire, wind, earth, sky show their anger when exploited beyond a certain limit. Group discussion on 'Our Blue Planet' was the highlight of the event which was conducted by students of class VIII. Various issues related to conservation of water bodies across the globe were discussed. Students shared their knowledge about causes of water pollution and its effects on living beings. They also discussed about steps taken by the government for conservation of water. They also suggested a few measures that can be taken to solve water contamination problem. Dr. Debanik Mukerjee, the scientist at Aravalli Biodiversity Park, Delhi was the chief guest of the event. At the end of the discussion, Dr. Mukerjee appreciated the students for their concern of water bodies and also enlightened them about some other serious issues related to conservation of biodiversity. |
Our students of the project ECO HEROES and some other Eco Club students of our school, visited a LEPROSY HOME on 12 April, 2014 to meet the people suffering from this contagious disease. There were about 250 patients in the home, loved and taken care of by the sisters of Missionaries of Charity. The visit was an eye opener for our students, sensitizing them towards the fact that they are fortunate to be living a healthy life with their families. |
“Look deep into the Nature, and then you will understand everything better.”
Some students of Class VIII along with their teacher incharges, Ms. Anjali Handa and Ms. Shruti Sharma visited the Aravalli Biodiversity Park on 13 March 2014. This park is a flourishing green area and is best for nature lovers, adventure seekers and fun lovers. The students gained knowledge about various types of flora and fauna. This man-made forest gave everyone a glimpse of our rare wildlife. Children were made aware of many medicinal plants and their uses. They saw many rare species and were enlightened about some interesting facts regarding the same. The children even spotted out the skin of a snake on a tree, shed during moulting. The enthusiastic students were busy in exploring the nature and were encouraged by their teachers and guides. In this park one can easily take short detours towards the horizontal boundaries where small pockets of wetlands make up for some good bird watching. In the end the students were shown an impressive movie on the wildlife of Aravalli Biodiversity Park. Overall, this visit was quite enriching, informative and interesting. |
Jim Fowler very well said that the continued existence of wildlife and wilderness is important to the quality of life of humans. Keeping this in mind the Wildlife Trust of India organized various events for students in the Young Champions Lawn, IGNCA under the title ‘CMS VATAVARAN’. The eco club members of our school along with other students went to attend these events on 1 February 2014. The event started with the screening of two movies namely, ‘TO THE RESCUE’ and ‘UNDER ONE SKY’ which focused on the need to conserve wildlife. It was followed by the art competition titled ‘ANIMAL PRINTS’ in which students were given the liberty to draw anything related to wildlife. An educational clip on elephants and birds was screened next which was followed by a power point presentation on snakes by a member of the Wildlife Trust of India. A panel discussion on the issue ‘TIGER TOURISM IN INDIA’ was conducted in which enthusiastic and active participation of our school students was witnessed. The day turned out to be very informative for the students and ended on a pleasant note. |
I heard the old, old men say - 'All that's beautiful drifts away, like the waters.'
This quote seems particularly relevant today when we think about our rivers and how we have polluted them and marred their beauty.
World River Day was celebrated in our school on 30 September 2013. The Eco-club of our school - Kesholoy organised a PPT Competition on this day based on the theme - Our Rivers. Students of classes VIII and IX prepared PPT's based on various rivers around the world. They touched upon their significance, their present state, level of pollution and the need and ways to conserve them. Through this event, they spread greater awareness about rivers - the lifelines of the world.
The event was remarkable and succeeded in its aim to sensitise the students towards the need of saving our rivers.
The winners of the competition were -
Class VIII-A
a) Gunjan Mahawar
b) Kajal Gupta
c) Ria Jaswal
d) Khushbu Wadhwa
e) Arzu
Class IX-B
a) Jharna
b) Kriti
c) Aayushi
d) Damini
e) Deeksha |
Conserve today, for a better tomorrow. Save the Earth; it’s the only one we have got.
A team of 20 students from Class IX and X, representing Kesholoy Eco Club of our school participated in Prakriti Sanrakshan Prayas Rally organized by St. Mark’s Sr. Sec. School Janakpuri on 31 July 2013. The Rally was organized to observe world nature conservation day (28 July). The Chief Guest of the event was District Manager (west) Mr. C. R. Garg, Additional Secretary for CM (Delhi) Mr. Kulanand Joshi, Mr. S. S. Duggal and CEO Parks Garden Society - Mr. Radhey Sham, who encouraged the students towards conservation of natural resources and sustainable development. It was an hour long rally covering different residential areas of janakpuri with the aim to create awareness among general public on issues like -say no plastic bags, switch off electrical appliances when not in use, one man one tree and judicious use of resources to preserve mother earth. |
Event organized by AEC Project : Fun Page Fun Time
 ENO Tree Planting Day is an open event for schools and groups interested in environment and peace. It is arranged twice a year, in May and in September. The first ENO Tree Planting Day took place eight years ago in 2004.
The ENO Tree Planting Day was celebrated by the students of class IX and X on 8th of May 2013. As a tribute to mother nature, saplings of various plants were planted by these students. With immense enthusiasm the students took part in this activity. Later, they took the saplings home in order to nurture them. They consider it their duty to lend a hand for the preservation of our planet. It is a small step towards the resurrection of the pollution free environment where all the elements of nature lived in harmony.
It is due to human negligence that Mother Earth is suffering so we should all take a pledge to help in saving the world even in the smallest possible ways. |
 The Eco Club students of classes IX to XI of our school went for a Heritage Walk to the Qutub Complex on 18th April 2013, the World Heritage Day. They were accompanied by their Teacher Incharges, Ms. Anjali Handa and Ms. Sangita Sharma. The main purpose of the Heritage Walk was to create awareness among the students to protect the priceless monuments of our country and keep them alive for our upcoming generations.
As the students walked around the Qutub Complex, they clicked pictures of the Qutub Minar, the tallest minaret in India, gaining more knowledge about the monument, which is one of the three UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Delhi. They also had a close view of the nearby Iron Pillar in the complex, a metallurgical curiosity for all and the inscriptions on it as well as on the walls of the Minar. They admired the intricate carvings and art work, and realised the importance of this ancient monument which makes India stand tall on the world map. Our monuments are an asset to value for, and protecting and preserving these valuable assets demands the collective efforts of all, young and old.
Thus, by celebrating the World Heritage Day, the message of preserving the rich heritage of their country was conveyed to the students.
Click for more Snaps . . . |
A morning assembly was held in the school on 22 April 2012 to celebrate the ‘World Heritage Day’ and the ‘Earth Day’. A speech was given by the Gandhi House representative, Meghna of class XI enlightening the students about the importance of both the days and about the significance of conservation of heritage sites in India.
Two representatives of the Eco Club Simrran and Roshni of class XI discussed about the different heritage sites of India, how they are misused and the steps that should be taken to conserve these sites. This was followed by a prize distribution ceremony. Prizes were distributed to students who participated in the cleanliness drive under the ‘Great Banyan Tree Project’ by our Vice Principal, Ms. Shergill. |
A few students of the Eco Club of our school, ‘Kesholoy’ accompanied by some students working in the AEC-NET Project like Go Green, Beauty and the Beast in the Forest, Windows to the Past, Picture It, Oops and Apps and Teddy Travels. Along with their teachers Ms. Handa and Ms. Garima visited the Sunder Nursery on 21 April 2012 as a part of the Earth Day Celebration. The students and teachers were accompanied by a gardener there who enhanced their knowledge of the flora around. Just opposite this beautiful nursery is the Humayun Tomb, a UNESCO world heritage site, which was our next destination. The World Heritage Day is celebrated on 18 April and a visit to this historical monument aimed at increasing awareness about India’s rich heritage among the students. This educational tour around Delhi truly served the purpose and made the students feel proud about their country’s rich heritage. |
In an endeavour to celebrate Earth Day, the school organised various activities for classes Seedling to X on 20 April 2012. An amalgamation of activities such as a skit by teachers, thumb painting, Best out of Waste, Poster Making, Stamp making, Street Play, Inter House Quiz, Comic Strip Making, T-Shirt Painting and Video Making took place to mark the event. The students spread awareness to preserve as well as appreciate nature. Thought provoking messages such as save trees, conserve water, cleanliness of the environment etc. were sent across to the audience. The students did an outstanding and remarkable work. The winners received flower pots from the judges. |
Following are the winners of the various events :
Class |
Event |
Winners |
I |
Thumb Painting |
Arija, Shaumya, Sneha, Preeti, Rishpreet, Jashanpreet Bhumika |
II |
Best out of Waste |
Diya, Harshita,Vaishnavi, Bhavya, Gurpreet |
Poster Making |
Pranjal, Deepanshi, Seerat, Isha |
IV |
Post Card Making |
Pratibha, Khushi, Harsimran, Shreya, Pushpanjali |
V |
Stamp Making |
Taran, Sharvi, Khushi |
VI |
Inter House Quiz |
Gandhi House |
Street Play |
Nidhima Taneja, Nikki Prasad, RIa Jaiswal, Manya Sharma, Tanya Lakra, Meghal Ahuja, Mitali |
Leaf Painting onT-shirt |
Himani Choudhary, Bashmeet Kaur, Tanisha Shokeen |
IX |
Comic Strip |
Anjali Lakra, Bhavneet Kaur Bhalla, Jasleen K. Malhotra |
X |
Video Making |
Japneet Kaur, Kanika Sharma, Jasleen Kaur, Mehak Kalia, Nausheen Khan |
As a part of AEC-NET Projects namely - “Picture it”. Cospomolitan Passport, “Hop on Shop off” the school provided the students a great opportunity to view the history of the capital i.e. ‘Delhi’. The students were taken to an Art Exhibition on December 17, 2011 at Janpath in Delhi. The cultural exhibition gave a better and clearer view about the history of our country to all the students. Through the medium of photographs and paintings we visualized the major movements which took place in India to eradicate the rule of Britishers from our country. The exhibition even had the painting and photographs of map of Delhi in different years under the rule of different rulers. Movements like the Non-Cooperation, Swadeshi, Boycott and the Civil Disobedience were depicted in a very realistic manner. Paintings depicting the historical moment when Delhi was made the capital a century ago were also viewed by the students. Visit to this exhibition awakened the spirit of patriotism and nationalism in our hearts which helped inn learning the country’s history in a different manner. |
This year our school joined hands with the British Council to protect the environment by participating in the Great Banyan Project. From 1 August to 28 October 2011, the students of our school contributed waste paper for the “A Million Notebook Challenge" initiative under which paper waste was collected and recycled for making notebooks for the less advantaged children. Further, they also took out the Cleanest Drive on 30 September 2011. The students made a humble endeavour along with their parents as they are concerned about the squalor that is accumulated on the roadsides making them a dumpster. The parents and the students helped each other in a syndicate manner to clean the commercial place adjacent to the school. The volunteers made a sincere attempt to spread awareness to help keep the surroundings clean. Two link schools of SMGS also carried out such cleanliness drives in their respective countries namely Sekolah Menengam Sains Muzaffar School, Melako Malaysia and ITG Deledda Via Rismondo 6, I-634133 Trieste, Italy. |
Plantation Drive on Diwali
Diwali-The Festival of Lights-has nowadays simply become a night full of crackers, noise and smoke for many people. This Diwali too, the students of SMGS decided to celebrate an Eco-friendly Diwali. The Eco-Champs took out a plantation drive and planted a few saplings in the park adjoining their school. With placards in hand, they spread the message that on Diwali we should clean and decorate our houses as well as plant saplings instead of bursting crackers. As responsible citizens, they understand that by bursting crackers, we scare birds to death, shorten the lives of children who are engaged in cracker factories, trouble asthmatic patients and burn thousands of rupees to ashes in the name of ceremonies. The students of SMGS took upon themselves to help people understand that Goddess Lakshmi does not want us to dispel the darkness of Amavasya this way. They enjoyed Diwali in its purest form by lighting lamps, offering prayers and by making this world a better place by planting saplings. |
 The students of class IX engaged in the AEC-NET Global Project "Naga To Earth", planted a sapling each in the school garden on 13 July 2011, along with their teacher- in -charge, Ms. Handa , there by getting close to Mother Earth and promoting the importance of plants to the environment.
These students also went to a nearby village, Nangloi, Chander Vihar, for doing research work on the life of people living there. They
talked to some of the local inhabitants and did a survey on the changes in their life style over the past 25-30 years. |
For the year 2011, India was the global host of the World Environment Day (WED). The WED theme for 2011 was 'Forests: Nature at Your Service". Over 5 days, Centre for Environment Education (CEE) organized Green Haat on behalf of the Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF), Govt. of India. Green Haat was basically a marketplace, where non-timber forest produce – both agro processed and crafts were brought together at Dilli Haat from 1-5 June, 2011 to showcase India’s forest heritage .Several activities, workshops and competitions were also organized daily for participants and visitors in which the talented students of classes 8,9 and 10 of our school also participated. In all 25 schools from all over India participated in these events.
The students had marvelous experiences. They participated in various competitions like Poster-making, Collage –making and Stamp designing. They also attended workshops on Pottery-making, Paper recycling, Nest-making, Lamp shade making and Paper Mache. Through these workshops and competitions, the students learnt better ways to recycle material and conserve the environment.
Some of our students won prizes and met the prestigious environment minister Shri . Jairam Ramesh, Mr. Sandeep Dixit and respectable social environmentalists like Chandi Prasad Bhatt and Radha Ben. |
Some of our students won prizes and met the prestigious environment minister Shri. Jairam Ramesh, Mr. Sandeep Dixit and respectable social environmentalists like Chandi Prasad Bhatt and Radha Ben.
The following students were honoured by Shri. Chandi Prasad with the first prize at the Ashoka Hotel :
Kirtee Kaul of 9-C in Poster-making
Roshni Khatri of 10-C, Devanshi Malik of 10-D, Ramni Kaushik of 10-C and Saloni Handa of 10-B in Collage-making
The following students were honored by Mr. Sandeep Dixit with the third prize at Dilli Haat :
Sukhmani Marwah of 10-B, Charulata Mukherjee of 10-B , Meghna Jha of 10-B , Shivangi Arora of 10-D in Stamp designing. |
The students of Class IX and X engaged in the projects 'Flora and Fauna' , 'R.E.D' , 'Biodiversity in my Town', 'Butterfly in your Hands', 'Going By Sea' and 'Environment Education Linkage' visited the Yamuna Biodiversity Park, Wazirabad along with their teacher-in-charges, Ms. Anjali Handa and Ms. Komal Ghai on 23 April 2011. The purpose of this visit was to gain knowledge about the vast species of plants, animals and butterflies and to learn about their medicinal uses and general importance. |
 The students of Class IX engaged in the project 'Butterfly in your Hands' took the first step forward to curb buttterfly extinction in India by planting butterfly host plants in the school garden on 12 April 2011 along with their teacher-in-charge, Ms. Anjali Handa.
Some of the saplings planted were of the following plants : Chinese orange, Bael, Gardenia, Jungle Jalebi, Amaltas and Lemon. |
Some of our students of Class IX, engaged in the global project 'Neighbourhood Guru' visited the landmarks in the neighbourhood of their school on 9 April 2011, along with their teacher incharge, Ms. Handa. They talked to the local people in Meera Bagh, Paschim Vihar and Guru Harkishan Nagar and conducted surveys which enabled them to gather first hand information of their school neighbourhood. |