“Every child is an artist” said Pablo Picasso.
Keeping this in mind and to explore the creative potential in the young minds of our children, SMGS organised an on the spot Art competition for Classes IX-XI. The students showcased their creative skills in drawing and colouring on various topics such as 'Your true inspiration, History and culture, Song of the river, You are the artist of your life, Travel diaries, Reflection of yourself'. They beautifully painted the plain canvas with their imaginations using vibrant colours. This fun filled activity witnessed an enthusiastic participation by all students.Further the way our artists displayed the uniqueness and beauty of art was commendable.
Winners of the Art Competition (IX-XI) :
1 PRIZE : Tamana (IX-B)
2 PRIZE : Sneha Aggarwal (IX-A)
3 PRIZE : Mannat Nimbekar (IX-D)
1 PRIZE : Prachi Jain (X-C)
2 PRIZE : Tavneet Kaur (X-A)
3 PRIZE : Shailja (X-B)
1 PRIZE : Samridhi Jain (XI-C)
2 PRIZE : Priyanshi (XI-D)
3 PRIZE : Chhavi Virmani (XI-B) |
Winners |
Students working on Canvas |
“Art connects what words cannot”, keeping the same ideal at the forefront, SMGS added a splash of colour by organising “Create with colour - On the Spot Art Competition” for Classes VI-VIII. Students transformed their thoughts on various topics such as ‘Be your own light, Draw yourself with a superpower, From my window, History and heritage, Make yourself proud and Connecting India with its Diversity’ into beautiful pieces of art. The virtual platform endowed an opportunity to young artists to showcase and share their creative, artistic and ingenious talent. This fun filled activity witnessed an enthusiastic participation by all the students. We congratulate the ace participants for their marvellous display of artistry and forte. |
“Every child is an artist” said Pablo Picasso.
Keeping this in mind and to explore the creative potential in the young minds of our children, Online Inter-Class Art Competition was conducted by St. Mark’s Girls Sr. Sec. School. The children of Class III showcased their creative skills in drawing and colouring and the result was amazing art work. This fun filled activity witnessed an enthusiastic participation by all the students.
The names of the Winners are :
First Position - Shonaya Shokeen (3-D)
Second Position - Ishveen Kaur Rana (3-D)
Third Position - Diya Kukreja (3-A)
Congratulations to all of you! |
All the students participated with all their zeal and expressed their thoughts and ideas beautifully through colours on the canvas during Online Art Competition held by St. Mark’s Girls Sr. Sec. School for Class 5. Judges were mesmerised by their creativity.
The Winners are :
First Prize - Simran : V-D
Second Prize - Yashika Singh : V-A
Third Prize - Riya : V-C |
Class IV students of St. Mark’s Girls Sr. Sec. School participated in an On the Spot Online Inter Class Art Competition. Students commendably exhibited their feelings of patriotism and created their fantasy world through their drawings.
Winners of the competition were :
1st : Vamakshi Sharma (IV-B)
2nd : Nidhi (IV-B)
3rd : Vammika Khurana (IV-A)
It was a day where we saw creativity exploding on every piece of art. Salute to all our young artists! |
Happiness comes from creative efforts. The joy of dreaming, creating and expressing your thoughts by drawing and painting is unparalled.
The famous painter Pablo Picasso said, “Every child is an artist”. Keeping this in mind and to explore the creative potentials in the young minds of our children, SMGS organised an Art Competiton for the Junior Classes.
We firmly believe that art is a natural means of communication and learning for children. It is important for them to look at and respond to a piece of work by artists and their illustrations. |
Camlin organised a vibrant colouring competition in St. Marks Girls Sr. Sec. School. The colouring contest was named as the ‘Camel Colour Contest’. Students from Classes Seedling to V participated in the contest with great zeal and excitement. Different topics were given to respective groups. ‘My Family’ and ‘My Hobbies’ were some of the topics which were given to the students. All the students showcased their creativity with beautiful colouring skills and artistic flow. It was a celebration of the young minds’ colourful representations. All the participants were appreciated for their industrious efforts and dedication towards Art. |
"I dont say everything, but i paint everything" - Pablo Picasso.
Paintings are a language of dreams and one of the most creative forms of expression. To motivate the students to express their views and explore their creativity through art, Aarogalay, organised a painting event for the students of Saint Mark's Girls school within the school premises. The students of classes VII-XI expressed their views on the topic Environment, health and wealth" by the means of their paints and brushes. Students enjoyed themselves thoroughly. They participated enthusiastically and with a good competitive spirit. |
“Every child is an artist” - Pablo Picasso
Our studens once again showcased their creative skills in painting and came up with amazing art work. Mitali Sikka of class III-C and Parthavi Sharma of class IV-A bagged second prize in the 18th Inter-School On The Spot Painting Competition held at St. Mark's Sr. Sec. School, Janakpuri. Their beautiful drawings were a treat to the eyes and manifested their great potential.
We congratulate our brilliant artists and wish them good luck for future. |
"Art is not always about pretty things, it's about who we are, what happened to us, and how our lives are affected."
The day was filled with colours when the little hands picked up their crayons and sketched their thoughts on a sheet. Our school in collaboration with 'Camlin' organised 'Camlin Art Contest' for students of Sapling to V. They made colourful drawings on different topics given to them. The students, very beautifully, conveyed their thoughts on 'Wildlife and Life on Planet Earth' to the world. The contest gave an opportunity to the students to show their love and concern towards nature and wildlife. Their drawings say it all. |
It has been rightly said that Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen.
To celebrate the beauty of colours that fuel our imagination and add eternal joy to the very fabric of our life, our school celebrated Rang Mahotsava on 10 February 2017. As the students of Classes VI to X took their places in the school ground, surrounded by colours that are blooming forth in the nature that surrounded them, they let loose the reins of their imagination and expressed their feelings on the topics given to them. As they added colour to their thoughts, they created masterpieces that provoke one to muse over the profound ideas of youngsters that have a very different view of his world. Teachers too joined in this celebration and put forth their ideas on paper. It was a splendid day and the event was a great success as all the students got a much needed break from the monotony of regular classes while getting an opportunity to exhibit their talent. |
“The purest and most thoughtful minds are those which love colour the most.”
Following this we took an initiative to fill the lives of everyone with the hues of colours by organising ‘Rang Mahotsav’. It was an opportunity for the students as well as the teachers to showcase the various colours of life when they were at their creative best. The happiness was all around as the students of the pre-primary and the primary wing were out in a beautiful school garden under the sun to be part of a celebration of creativity and colours which was named ‘Rang Mahotsav’. The tiny tots had a great time when they filled the white sheets with an array of multiple colours. |
Inter School on the Spot Art Competition held in St. Marks Public School Meera Bagh on 6th February 2016. 40 Participants of St. Mark's Girls School from class (IV-XI) freely spread their ideas on Canvas and won 16 Prizes.
Details of winners are following :
A team of young artists from Classes IV - XI beamed with pride and joy as they excelled in an Inter School Art Competition held at the St. Mark's Sr. Sec. Public School, Meera Bagh. |
Every child is an artist. Based on this thought St. Mark’s Girls Senior Secondary School gave an opportunity to the little ones to participate in such an event. The school had organised Rang Mahotsava (Art Event) both for the students and teachers on 4 December 2015. All the students from class I to IV were given two topics – “World under water” or “Happiness is...” Their creativity knew no limits. Art never expresses anything but itself. It was exhilarating to see the happiness and enthusiasm of the students lost in painting their imagination on paper. They gave wings to their thoughts and uplifted their spirits to a great extent. The event was thoroughly enjoyed by both the students and the teachers who depicted their emotions brilliantly. |
The event was organised for Class V - Class IX where the creative ones expressed the innovative ways to conserve fuel through painting while the expressive ones penned down their ideas of the role of children, adults and the society at large in conservation of fuel and other important resources. The students participated in full vigour and learned creative ways to express themselves. |
Art gives a colourful meaning to a boring and dull life. Art brings you closer to nature and almighty. Keeping this in mind st marks girls school organised a "Camlin Colour Contest" for all the students from Sapling to X standard on 31 August 2015.
The students were highly enthusiastic as they gave wings to their creativity and imagination. |
“Creativity is inventing, experimenting, taking risk, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun”
Keeping these words in mind St. Mark’s Girls School organized ‘RANG MAHOTSAV a festival of art on December 4, 2014. All students from class I to IV gathered in the lush green lawns of school premises to show their creative side.
The students were more then happy drawing and painting on the topic “Colour your dream”.
Their imagination had no limits. It was like magical journey through the world of colours and fantasy. The teachers also participated in the art event. It was fun filled day for each of them.
The day ended with the note that “Art is the last form of magic that exists”. |
"Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth".
This quote by Picasso helps us to value art in life. To inculcate an undying love for art in our students. St Mark's Girls Sr. Sec. School organized CAMLIN ART CONTEST for all the students from class I to X. Each and every child participated with zeal and enthusiasm. |
Art helps children to express and communicate. Through art, we creatively express the desires of our inner heart. Art allows children to creatively explore new ideas. Keeping this in mind, our school held the Kokuyo Camlin Limited ‘Draw Your Dream’ contest for classes VI to X on 22 April 2013. The students got a wonderful opportunity to express their future goal in the form of a drawing. The students used the power of colours and let their hearts flow out. The students came out with beautiful expressions of creativity and imaginations in the form of art. All in all, the contest was a huge success where the students not only got to display their creativity but also developed a clear vision of what they aspire to become when they grow up. |